Hauter calls on colleagues to go on the record in support of the Nation of Israel

MORTON – State Representative Bill Hauter (R-Morton) is urging House Speaker Chris Welch to call pro-Israel resolutions for a vote in the House. Members of the Illinois General Assembly want to formally express their support for the Nation of Israel.

House Resolution 446 expresses unlimited, unwavering support for the civilians, soldiers, defenders and government of the Republic of Israel and rejects any attempt to compromise, undermine, or “both sides” this fundamental moral issue of human good and evil. House Resolution 449 formally condemns the Hamas attacks on the Nation of Israel.

“It is not unusual for the Illinois House of Representatives to go on record in support or opposition to events that transcend state issues,” Hauter said. “These resolutions are largely symbolic, but they are important statements of the values of our state and of the people we represent. The events in Israel have had a real-world impact right here in Illinois. We have seen protests turn violent and we are seeing a rise in anti-Semitism. We should have an opportunity to condemn violence and show support for our allies in Israel.”

Hauter said the only reason HR 446 and HR 449 would probably not be called is because there are some Democrats who would not support them, and the House leadership does not want them to go on record in opposition to Israel.

“There are legislators in the House who will not call pro-Israel resolutions for a vote in order to shield Democrat colleagues silent about the evil and disgusting terrorist acts of Hamas,” Hauter said. “This war against a terrorist organization should transcend party. The House has passed over 30 resolutions on international issues over the last three years. It is imperative that we weigh in on what is happening in the Middle East where Americans have been killed and are still being held hostage.”