State Senator Sally Turner (R-Beason), State Representative Bill Hauter (R-Morton), Logan County Board Chairman Emily Davenport, and Lincoln Mayor Tracy Welch released the following joint statement in response to the Pritzker Administration’s announced decision to close the Logan Correctional Center:
“The decision by the Governor’s Administration to close the Logan Correctional Center without any assurance of its reopening within Logan County is both devastating and infuriating. While we recognize that Logan Correctional is in need of repairs, it is only in its current state of disrepair because of neglect and the misplaced priorities of this Administration.
“Logan Correctional is an instrumental part of Lincoln and its surrounding communities. It provides more than 500 direct jobs, hundreds more indirect jobs, and immeasurable local economic benefits. We will continue to fight for each and every one of these jobs and ensure our communities get the answers they deserve from the Governor’s Administration.”